Term3 2021 Social Tennis Leagues Registrations Now Open.
Term3 2021 Social Tennis Leagues Registrations Now Open.
Nominate your team or as an individual below and we will confirm your entry asap.
Playford Night Tennis League – Term 3 – 2021 Nominations Now Open
Congratulations to all our tournament players who braved the heat and
competed in our first ever Playford Club Championships 2021
Super Reserve
Winner: Hector Chang
Runner Up: Sanuelya Von Loenhout
Division 2 Singles
Winner: Daniel Magda
Runner Up: Aaron Maddern
Division 2 Doubles:
Winners: Rick Taylor & Ken Taarnby
Runner Ups: Daniel Magda & Caleb Magda
Division 3 Singles:
Winner: Alex Sellers
Runner up: Caroline Goldner
Division 3 Doubles:
Winner: Sue Peterson & Caroline Goldner
Runner ups: Gloria Dennis & Finnian Winnis
And also a big congratulations to our juniors in our Green and Yellow Ball divisions
Yellow Ball
Winner: Dipjaan Bhandari
Runner up: Mohammad Haidari
Green Ball