
9 June 2017 | Tennis SA

Sunday 1 July marks the start of a new beginning for two tennis venues in Adelaide.

The brand new $8m Playford Tennis Centre will open for the first time. Experienced tennis venue manager, Tennis Gear, will open the doors on 1 July by offering a wide range of services and programs through a variety of membership and casual payment options.

The Grove Tennis Club will also take up residence following the current winter season and commence the new NETA season in fine style at the brand new 16 court facility.

The new centre also boasts LED lighting on all 16 courts, eight hotshot courts, car park, cafe, change room amenities, pro shop and professional programs that cater for players of all ages and standards.

Tennis Gear Playford will open on 1 July, with the centre’s official Open Day on Saturday 15 July.

For more information contact playford@tennisgear.com.au or visit playfordtennis.com.au or join the Facebook Event.

Also, Tennis SA Millswood will be under new management from 1 July following the expiration of the current agreement. Tennis SA has made the decision to take the operations at Millswood Tennis Centre to the next level and is working closely with Tennis Australia to implement the new venue management body, Tennis World.

Tennis World Millswood will offer a variety of membership and coaching programs designed especially for Adelaide, which will provide great value and get you playing more tennis, more often. Current users, including the Goodwood Saints Tennis Club, and social competitions players, will continue to be welcomed at Millswood.

Tennis World Millswood will open 1 July, with the centre’s official Open Day on Sunday 30 July.

For more information contact tennisworldmillswood@tennis.com.au or visit www.tennisworld.net.au